LAN Party

LAN Party

Episode 113 – #SharkLovin

May 07, 2018

113 Links and Show notes:

Hosts Will (@Scotch_man), Tristan (@Trondood) and Daney (@DaneyRivera), discuss Shark memes, dreams and God of War in today’s totally Jawsome episode! How does one recover from the wake of an epic first party title like God of War? Will we see CD Projekt Red at E3 this year? What about that Red Dead Redemption trailer that came out this week? Find out all that and more! Will got his way with Show-notes in this episode, and is doing it manually! Let us know if you like this or not!

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Show Notes and links!
Destiny’s Child

Shark Dating Simulator #SharkLovin

God of War

Will recommends NOT playing on the extreme God of War mode - It’s just not balanced the way that it should be. (yet?)

Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze


Crash bandicoot INSane Trilogy

Nier Automata (On Sale on Steam/PS4 until 5/8/18):

Animal Crossing (NYC Edition): (Reach out to Nintendo to make this a thing because it sounds hilariously awesome)

Today’s Secret code is: #Sharklovin . Tweet us this week and include this hashtag for a chance to have your twitter handle (and tweet content) shouted out next cast!

Nightgate: (iOS)

Glitchskier (iOS)

Altos Odyssey (iOS)

Star Wars Episode 1: Pod racer (Windows Port!!) - (On sale - 15% off until next week!)

Weekly Bit! (all about the news): Read along while we chat about it!