Parkinsons Recovery

Parkinsons Recovery

Rethinking Parkinson's Disease

October 10, 2020

This is, to date, the most thorough exploration of the aetiological pathways (causes) leading to diagnosis with Parkinson's disease or similar neuro disorders.

John Coleman's new book, Rethinking Parkinson's Disease, explains how and why trauma, toxins and stealth infections create symptoms diagnosed as a "disease", usually then treated without any further investigation into prodromal history, early life, toxic load or the possibility of infection.

The major section of this work details strategies to create wellness and reverse the illness processes, much available to patients with little or no cost. There are sections on Western Allopathic Medical treatments (symptom control), Complementary Medical treatments and therapies to avoid.

For further Information visit John's website: Return to Stillness

For information about the Aquas visit:

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Robert Rodgers PhD

Parkinsons Recovery