Pillowtok - Glimpse of Brilliance

Pillowtok - Glimpse of Brilliance

You Better Have These Qualities If You Want Quality Friendships – Pillowtok #54 – RE-RELEASE

May 01, 2016

From way back to the brilliant past when Maayan chatted with Lauren, here’s a worthwhile listen! We like to talk about friends. Making them, keeping them, relating to them. This week we’re talking about the HOW and WHY someone becomes and stays a friend. Think about it—why are you drawn to some people and not to others? Who’s been your bestie for decades and who has slowly become a stranger as time and space separated you? What are the must-have qualities in a person to keep that bond tight, and are their deal-breakers that cause you sever it? It’s something that happens subconsciously all the time, but we’re here to tease it out into full consciousness. Join us!
Listen to this!