Pillowtok - Glimpse of Brilliance

Pillowtok - Glimpse of Brilliance

How To Get More Quality of Life: HOLD THAT SPACE – Glimpse of Brilliance #104

February 07, 2016

Maayan is joined by Hemda Mizrahi for the last of three lovely weeks together. Hemda, in addition to being a dear friend, hosts and produces a global Internet radio show that offers expert advice about quality of life. She uses her skills as a certified business and wellness coach and a licensed therapist to help organizations improve quality of life for both their employees and clients. In a series of three podcasts, Hemda shares key strategies that will help you to improve your life satisfaction. She’ll offer universal examples related to career, health, and love. Part 3 – you best learn to hold that space. What does that mean exactly? Areas in your life need space to shift, evolve, grow…if we don’t allow them to have that time, that space, we never learn to feel the emptiness that needs to be filled…and therefore never fill it.

Truly. Fascinating.
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