The Picking Brains Podcast

The Picking Brains Podcast

Brian Williams talks Space Babes, not handling snakes, and not being Charlie Manson - The Picking Brains Podcast

April 03, 2017

Brian Williams returns to the podcast to discuss Space Babes from Outer Space, not handling snakes, not being Charlie Manson, independent film, the importance of supporting artists, and so much more. Brian’s been a friend of the show for years and is truly one of the best creative minds currently working in independent cinema. As you’ll hear in the episode this is the final episode of The Picking Brains Podcast. I’ve loved every moment of doing this since I started the show almost six years ago. I’ve had unbelievable experiences thanks to the podcast and I’ll cherish them all. Nathan Hamilton and myself have hopefully brought laughter, entertained and possibly educated thru our episodes since he joined the show three years ago. From the bottom of my heart I thank each and every person that ever listened to an episode, supported and shared the show and especially emailed us (which entertained us to no end). Thank you for supporting me all of these years and please continue to support the horror genre and the artists who give their all to make their dreams come true.
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