The Philanthropic Quest with Jim Lord

The Philanthropic Quest with Jim Lord

The One Step That Changes Everything

April 16, 2014

Every day, you have more opportunities in front of you then you can possibly get to.

If you're meeting with donors face-to-face, there are more people you could see than you really have time for, at least if you want to have genuine human relationships with them.

Whatever your personal role, there are more things you could do to raise money for your cause than you can actually do in the time you have. And if you're like most folks in this profession, other folks are always handing you new bright ideas to put on your to do list.

What happens when you stop trying to do it all, stop trying to cover all the bases, stop focusing on the quantity of activity that others are pushing you toward -- and maybe you're pushing yourself toward?

What if you set things up so you can focus instead on quality of action ... and the one strategy that will really make the difference?

In this week's episode of Philanthropic Quest Audio, you'll discover:

* How to open up greater possibilities for your organization or cause ... by staying focused on what really matters.

* What's behind the surprising power of the transformative commitment -- the greatest leadership contribution in your history, in your organization's history.

* The single act where your greatest contribution, greatest breakthrough -- your own personal greatest contribution -- is waiting to happen.

* Why "coverage" is overrated -- and why it's smart to work with fewer, more deeply rather than flirting around with as many as we can.

* One small step you can take today to get moving in this direction.

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