phil and tom plus. com

phil and tom plus. com

Fire Side Chat -Podcast Episode 6 - Video Marketing

September 25, 2014

You Can Access Your Free Video Marketing Training Here



Video Marketing like most other marketing strategies is designed to not only attract people to your brand, but to develop “Know, Like & Trust” in you and your brand, therefore developing a loyal customer base. Developing that loyal customer base takes time and effort, and although daunting to the new person, it is a climbable mountain.

Start of small, with the equipment you have on hand, in the majority of cases that is going to be your mobile phone. The most important thing to remember, in video marketing is to be consistent in your endeavours. If you decide one video a week is what you want to post make sure you do that.

Video marketing is a great way to create a loyal customer base, it’s a bit like a weekly TV series. A TV series creates a following, and their viewers (in marketing circles they would be known as customers), expect and anticipate their weekly show. Nothing upsets viewers more than having the schedule changed on their favourite shows.

It is no different in video marketing.

So make your videos on a consistent basis, give your viewers quality content, and that will build you a loyal customer base.  The end result of a loyal customer base is sales, sales and more sales

That my tip, this week


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