Phaser Time : A Star Trek Podcast

Phaser Time : A Star Trek Podcast

Latest Episodes

A Trek of the Clones Part 4 : Attack of the Clones (Star Wars)
July 12, 2020

In case that title was confusing, YES, this is a podcast about Star Wars episode 2, Attack of the Clones!  At best we are trying to compare and contrast it to Star Trek.  At worst, we're just trying to avoid making fun of it too much.  Yes, it's an easy .

A Trek of the Clones Part 3 : Charlie X (TOS)
July 05, 2020

For Attack of the Clones, we've paired it with the TOS season 1 classic (at least according to this otherwise impartial notes writer) Charlie X!  Hope you enjoy!  Attack of the Clones is next week! 

A Trek of the Clones Part 2 : The Phantom Menace (Star Wars)
June 28, 2020

Here it is!  Finally, a podcast about Star Wars! We go deep on the how, the why, the what George Lucas was thinking... what we were thinking!  What we were expecting! Everyone's got a take on Phantom Menace, now here's ours! Next episode will discuss Sta.

A Trek of the Clones Part 1 : Broken Bow (ENT)
June 20, 2020

Here it is at last, our first part in our 22 part series where we compare and contrast Star Trek to Star Wars!  Beginning with this, where we compare prequel to prequel!  Enterprise's 2 hour premiere Broken Bow!  Future episodes will be as follows; Part .

BONUS - Commentary Track, The Game (TNG)
April 10, 2020

Since we're all cooped up watching Star Trek and playing countless video games, why not watch along with us as we lovingly make fun of TNG's The Game!  Just sync up your DVD or Blu Ray or Netflix copy and listen along!  Sorry about the audio quality... w.

42. Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy (VOY)
March 25, 2020

Rounding out our series of shows where we just focus on episodes that are just fun, we come to Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy!   This was a gem, and I hope it was a gem of a podcast!  We also manage to sneak in a discussion on serialized vs episodic television..

BONUS - Commentary Track, Rascals (TNG)
March 16, 2020

Hey guys! We had a show for Take Me Out to the Holosuite prepared, even had it in the can but due to the delay in the MLB season, we thought we'd hold it back until baseballs triumphant return (along with the rest of day to day life) and so for those bor.

41. Conspiracy (TNG)
March 10, 2020

There's a conspiracy afoot, and it's up to Picard to stop it.  In an episode that should have tons to say about the world we live in today, we instead get a story of paranoia that gets validated by the existence of space parasites.   Next week in honour .

40. Spectre of the Gun (TOS)
February 23, 2020

In an episode that crosses The Matrix with Dogville and whatever movies feature Doc Holliday, Spectre of the Gun is a rare season 3 TOS gem where the limits of budget and production inspire something great. We will continue to run a cycle through the var.

39. Regeneration (ENT)
February 05, 2020

Finishing our comprehensive Borg retrospective, this prequel to the Original Series, yet sequel to First Contact, maybe more of a inter-quel to all of Star Trek?  Whatever it is, this show we dive deep into Enterprise, it's re-centering of the Borg as a .