Phaser Time : A Star Trek Podcast

Phaser Time : A Star Trek Podcast

A Trek of the Clones Part 9 : Yesterday's Enterprise (TNG)

August 16, 2020

A Trek of the Clones is a podcast series where we compare and contrast Star Trek to Star Wars.  This week's show takes us into Yesterday's Enterprise, our pairing for Rogue One!  
What's the connection?  Well both feature a band of heroes sacrificing their lives in order to make a more hopeful future and/or present, or more to the point to ensure canon plays out as written.  
Featuring war, battle stations and battle logs, this episode serves as an alternate take on a TNG that could be.  We wonder aloud, could this have been a better show, or was it better left as this quick glimpse at a TNG with grittier plotlines, more dramatic lighting, crowded corridors, and a Picard Riker relationship that is antagonistic.  
Next week we cover Rogue One!  The best Disney Star Wars film?  Maybe?