Purser Explores The World

Purser Explores The World


May 26, 2013

The ausvotes2013.com site is a political blog with a difference. Rather than being blatantly partisan or featuring the usual suspects it provides an opportunity for new writers and voices from all sides of the political spectrum to discuss, debate and explore the issues in the upcoming election.

This episode is a bit of an experiment, it's the largest "round table" discussion I've ever conducted with not two or three, but five of the writers from AusVotes sitting down and discussing why they write for the site and what they hope to get from it.

Show Notes:

For the notes this episode I'm going to link to each of the people on the round table, their blogs and twitter accounts.

Paula Matthewson

Blog: http://dragonistasblog.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/Drag0nista

Andrew Tiedt

Blog: http://mrtiedt.blogspot.com.au/

Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/mrtiedt

Ed Butler

Blog: http://shoutingatthevoid.wordpress.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fakeedbutler

El Gibb

Blog: http://bluntshovels.wordpress.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bluntshovels

Damian Walker

Blog: http://theunderwhelmingblog.blogspot.com.au/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DamienCWalker