Pete and Pals Podcast

Pete and Pals Podcast

Issue #19 Father Knows Best?

July 14, 2015

It truly is baffling that a city that has such a deep history in finishing secomd, still holds out hope of one day being champions of something other than in door soccer. Though it might be a month removed from the latest chapter in disappointment for the greatset city in the world, our hosts discuss the next season of pain, father's day celebrations, reality TV, and ones offspring makes an appearance with the hopes of expanding their audience into the coveted tween demographic.

Will the player formerly known as Johnny Football truly turn over a new leaf for the 4th time?

Can a perpetual 13 year old give the show the street cred it so desires?

Is this the end of discussing the Wire each week, or will Omar make a comeback in issue 20?

Tune in to find out!
