Pete and Pals Podcast

Pete and Pals Podcast

Issue #16 Orphanage of Gore

April 25, 2015

Lorain County is home to many ruins from the turn of the century, see the entire city of Lorain. Though Lorain might be a ghost town and a scarry place to be after dark, it is still not as haunted as the slabs of sandstone known as Gore Orphanage. History be damned, the legend of Gore Orphanage has been handed down over generations, drawing teenagers to the site to get lost in the woods and eaten by mosquitoes.

In the mid to late 1800's the only thing more common than tragic fires and crippling disease were creepy orphans, and for the first time in the life of the legend someone has been brave enough to tackle the horror that is Gore Orphanage. In this issue between talk of foam baby masks and a ghost encounter that may or may not have happened our hosts interview Emily Lapisardi writer and director of the Gore Orphanage movie ( That's right, the boys talk to a real life woman, not in person of course, but regardless, these mumbling fools get the low down on how a road sign inspired Emily to make an entire feature film.

Is there a reason ghosts prefer Victorian era clothing?

What was that?

Will the boys be able to converse with a girl, or will they just sit there staring blankly at their microphones?

Tune in to find out!
