Pete and Pals Podcast

Pete and Pals Podcast

Issue #11 Theory of Relative Stupidity

March 21, 2015

A wise woman once said that if she could turn back time, she would find a way to take back the words that hurt you, and you would stay. In this issue two armature ill informed physicist reach for the stars as they fire up their IBM 5100 to battle the UNIX bug of 2038, ponder a naked woman in the woods, proclaim their love of televised car auctions, analyze women's literature, solve a paradox or two, and turn the theory of relativity into law.

Has the method of time travel been locked away all these years, not in a secret government installation, but the design labs of General Motors Company?

Will the Team Chris vs Team Clancy debate take over the nation as the next hotly contested love triangle?

Was that soft clunking noise someone bumping the microphone, or Einstein rolling over in his grave?

Tune in to find out!