Pete and Pals Podcast

Pete and Pals Podcast

Issue #10 This Is Where The Law Stops and I Start

March 14, 2015

Some days it doesn't pay to be the good guy, but in a world wrought by crime and corruption, only two men can stand up against a cult of murderous robot dirt bike riding maniacs from the future to save the past. In this buddy cop issue our heroes taken on a renegade cops, confusion over the Mad Max and Rambo trilogies, debate Die Hard 1 vs Die Hard 3, and proclaim their love of all things Action Movie! It's the Pete and Pals Action Movie Spectacular!

Do these two have what it takes to go Over the Top?

Can the success of every modern movie be attributed to the Running Man?

Will you find it in your heart to forgive these two for not mentioning the brilliance of Chuck Norris, or is it time to call in the Delta Force to take these fools down?

Tune in to find out!