Pete and Pals Podcast

Pete and Pals Podcast

Issue #9 - The Rumble at Faymore’s Castle

March 07, 2015

Deep in the woods of Eaton Township lies a Castle of Legend and Mystery. Full disclosure, it's kind of right by the freeway, and it's more cinder block walls covered in poison ivy than a real castle. As it stood in the decade Nineteen Hundred and Eighty, this monument of madness captured the imagination of one chubby child has he would pass it on his way to the Great Northern Mall of Olmstead. Though this child raised on cartoons and action movies would envision the mad Doctor Faymore building his fortress to hide cruel experiments for the purpose of building an army of flying Grizzly Bears to take over the human race, as an adult this over imaginative youngster would learn that Faymore was not a magical sorcerer at all. No, the Mad Doctor was just a prescription happy Physician, who couldn't keep it on the DL.

This week our princes of pod-casting explore the legend of Doctor Leonord Faymore, a gas station attendants love of Ricky Martin, gymnastics, NASCAR and the world of real fake wrestling.

Will ESPN give these two their own panel show during the 3:30AM time slot titled "Trash Counter Trash"?

Has our host watched so much professional wrestling in his lifetime that he knows what Vince is going to do before Vince does?

Was Denny Hamlin truly innocent in wrecking Danica Patrick 2 times, or was it just a ploy to somehow get to the fortune hidden inside the walls of Faymore's Castle?

Tune in to find out!