Pete and Pals Podcast

Pete and Pals Podcast

Issue #7 In Fear of a Baseball Bat

February 21, 2015

Ladies and Gentlemen, the stories you are about to hear are true. The names have been edited to protect the guilty. When you open this door you are about to enter another dimension. Not only a dimension of sight and sound, but a dimension of destruction. Tonight we listen in as two thirty something year old men poke their finger in the chest of their public education. Brace yourself as we hear stories of teenage aggression, study hall exhibitionism,  gridiron beat downs, and fun with body alarms.

Could an alternate reality exist where by taking Latin and playing Lacrosse these two became doctors?

Is our host truly an inept speller, or is it just a cover for him to go on a crime spree?

Will this finally be the break the G-Men need to close the case of serial vandalism across Firelands School District in the late 90’s, or will their investigation once again burn out like a flaming Rubbermaid mailbox in the night?

Tune in to find out!