

Episode 9: Skinny Cats and Fat Dogs: Thyroid Disease and Your Pet’s Real Age

April 28, 2013

Thin hyperthyroid cat- thanks Dr. Mark Peterson


Not His Ideal Weight

A cat eats a bunch but still loses weight, starts yowling in the middle of the night, and then goes blind. A dog eats very little, but keeps gaining weight, drinking way too much, with a poor hair coat and weakness in their hind end. It’s the Jack Sprat and his wife of veterinary medicine- thyroid disease. Cats (usually) produce too much thyroid hormone, while dogs produce too little. John and Dr. Rumore discuss some symptoms and treatments, as well as why some people can’t tell when their pets go blind and how veterinary school induces disease. We also discus why the “7 years for every human year” is wrong for younger pets, why flame retardants may be a big problem, and how much it hurts to step on legos.

If you are a regular listener, you may have caught us. We reversed episode 8 and 9. Was it an accident, or a secret code that leads to a treasure and the secret of the universe? I guess you will see…

Here’s some more information about hyperthyroidism cats

And some about hypothyroidism in dog

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Listen to: Episode 9: Skinny Cats and Fat Dogs: Thyroid Disease and Your Pet’s Real Age