

Episode 7: The Skinny on Rawhides, Catnip, Isaac Hayes and How Much Space Your Dog May Need

April 15, 2013

Thanks to DustJelly on Flickr and

Rawhides can be controversial; pet owners, and even veterinarians, are divided on whether they are awesome or horrible. We jump in to what exactly is a rawhide? How it may be a great treat for most dogs, but which ones should avoid it, and what you should avoid when you are shopping. We also discuss catnip, whether it is bad or addictive, and when it can be useful. Also, why you should never use catnip in a young kitten or a rat (for very different reasons). Lastly, John talks about getting a dog, which up brings up how much space a dog needs, and why some smaller dogs need more space than giant breeds.

Here’s the theme from Shaft

And Here’s the theme from Rawhide, the television show


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Listen to Episode 7: The Skinny on Rawhides, Catnip, Isaac Hayes and How Much Space Your Dog May Need