

Episode 6: Babies, Puppies, Kittens and It’s (probably) Not Ear Mites

April 07, 2013

Coconut loves her little girls, Mia and Gianna

Doctor Rumore has a new baby, Mia Rosabella, and his young white deaf boxer Coconut has an unexpectedly good reaction. We discuss how adult dogs and cats are supposed to treat puppies, kittens and babies, and why sometimes they do not always get along as well as we would hope. Also, why buying pet store ear mite medicine for your dog and cat is probably a big waste of money and effort. Additionally, it could be a waste of perfectly good fingers, because cats tend to really dislike ear drops.

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Mia, Gianna and Coconut




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Listen to Episode 6: New Babies, Puppies and Kittens and Why It Is Probably NOT Ear Mites