The People Passionate Podcast: Escape The Ordinary

The People Passionate Podcast: Escape The Ordinary

The Food Service Industry: What It’s Like To Be a Food Server

January 06, 2014

Warning: Episode contains some explicit language.

We’ve finally gotten around to publishing the first part of our interview series: Perspectives. This podcast series will focus on how people interact with others on the job, from the viewpoints of food service workers, teachers, bartenders, and more.

So what will you get out of this?

Well, for one. It’s great entertainment. We all have our gripes, and this series is a way of letting people vent about the aggravating parts of their jobs, particularly unpleasant interactions with people, whether they’re colleagues, supervisors, customers, or patrons. But don’t worry, we’ll focus on the positive But our aim is to also give you a better understanding of the challenges people face when they’re at work. Because as we know, the more we understand something, the better we’re able to appreciate it.

Some Things You’ll Learn:

  • The truth of what food service workers get paid (in the state of NC)
  • How to be an awesome customer…and avoid being a terrible one
  • What tip % is actually considered bad (the answer may surprise you)

Do you work in the food service industry? Can you identify with Madison’s experiences as a server? What do you think is a good tip %? Tell us about your experiences in the comments. We’ll read and reply to every comment.


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