The People Passionate Podcast: Escape The Ordinary

The People Passionate Podcast: Escape The Ordinary

How To Stick With Your Resolutions This Year

December 31, 2013

You may have heard some people knock having new year’s resolutions, claiming that if you really wanted to make changes in your lifestyle, you wouldn’t have to wait until the new year to do it.

Fair point.

But for many people, there’s something very exciting about planning out things you want to do differently in the new year. Having a specific date to kick things off gets you pumped to get started. So what’s wrong with new year’s resolutions?

Absolutely nothing, except…

There’s something that a lot of people do when they’re creating their resolutions that ultimately sets them up for failure.

They create goals that are way too vague.

Too many of us are guilty of this. Check out some examples of resolutions many people have:

“I’m going to exercise more.”

“I’m going to be a better boyfriend/girlfriend.”

“I want to eat healthier and lose weight.”

If you want to succeed with your resolutions this time around, you’re going to have to do way better with how you formulate your goals.

Learn how to stick with your resolutions: listen to this short audio clip for tips to avoid common pitfalls:

What resolutions do you have this year? Let me know in a comment below, I’ll reply to every single one! Happy New Year to you all and thanks so much for reading and listening :)


The post How To Stick With Your Resolutions This Year appeared first on People Passionate.