People Behind the Business: a show for small businesses with small teams & huge ambitions

People Behind the Business: a show for small businesses with small teams & huge ambitions

How can Introverts Pitch their Work to Businesses?

June 07, 2018

Sorry technical difficulty. New audio will be posted shortly.

The debut episode of People Behind the Business is inspired by a Facebook Live masterclass on how introverts can pitch businesses, the introvert-friendly way.

It also includes a brief audio clip of the original Facebook Live to kick off the discussion. Special thanks to Kasey Pierce of 819 Social for inviting me to speak in her Facebook Group, Learn Social Media Marketing for Introverted Entrepreneurs.

Once upon of time, I was a shy introvert who would break out into a pool of sweat whenever I did public speaking.

So even though I’ve found coping tactics that actually work, I had to come to terms with my shy introversion for the second time when I started my own business. And when I finally figured out what works best for me, I found an introvert-friendly way to connect with other entrepreneurs, and also potential clients.

Looking for the show notes? Check out