PB&J: Politics with Brian & Jake

PB&J: Politics with Brian & Jake

Latest Episodes

2019 - Year in Review
December 30, 2019

Brian and Jake each pick their five most memorable and meaningful political events from 2019. ...

December 23, 2019

Donald Trump is the 3rd president in US history to be impeached. Brian and Jake discuss how the house of reps handled the vote, what th...

December 02, 2019

Not since turn of the 20th century have tariffs been such a hot topic in American politics. Brian and Jake discuss the pros and cons an...

Quid Pro Show
November 18, 2019

Brian and Jake check in on the impeachment proceedings. More broadly, they discuss the moral and long term political implications of th...

Bonus: Enter Michael Bloomberg and Two States Vote Blue
November 11, 2019

Brian and Jake left the mics on during what would have been some off the air discussions about Kentucky and Virginia voting Democratic ...

Kamala Harris
November 04, 2019

Brian and Jake discuss the former prosecutor and recently fading Democratic Presidential candidate, Senator Kamala Harris. Here, they o...

The Kurds
October 21, 2019

The US has largely withdrawn from Northern Syria. Turkey has made it's move. Trump is not backing down. Brian and Jake are Podcasting.....

Impeachment Inquiry
October 07, 2019

Brian and Jake discuss the infamous phone call between Donald Trump and the president of Ukraine. Will the impeachment inquiry go anywh...

So Offended
September 23, 2019

These days, it seems many are easily offended by the everyday issues that make up the contentious political landscape. So Brian and Jak...

Bernie Sanders
September 09, 2019

Why has Bernie Sanders and his brand of Democratic Socialism caught on with so many voters? Where did he get these beliefs? Why has the...