The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

Latest Episodes

#366 - Daily MG - Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell - 2 of 6
August 30, 2022

"Over and over during training, we were told never to be complacent." - Marcus Luttrell

#365 - Daily MG - Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell - 1 of 6
August 29, 2022

"The philosophy of the U.S. Navy SEALs: “I will never quit. I persevere and thrive on adversity. My Nation expects me to be physically harder and mentally stronger than my enemies. If knocked down, I

#364 - Daily MG - The Talent War by Mike Serraille - 6 of 6
August 27, 2022

"Character is key because it is an indicator of a person’s capacity. General William Boykin points to capacity as more important than current ability: “What are you looking for—hard skills or capacity

#363 - Daily MG - The Talent War by Mike Serraille - 5 of 6
August 26, 2022

"Personality ≠ Character Personality and character are not the same thing. Character is a person’s deep inner attributes that drive their decisions and behaviors. Personality is how someone outwardly

#362 - Daily MG - The Talent War by Mike Serraille - 4 of 6
August 25, 2022

(Three row table. First row says assessment and selection. Second row says training. Third row says combat/war.) "According to conventional wisdom, the first two rows of this table are non-revenue-gen

#361 - Daily MG - The Talent War by Mike Serraille - 3 of 6
August 24, 2022

"The only way you have true talent acquisition is if your leaders at all levels, starting from the top and going to the bottom, are aligned with the belief that managing your human capital is just as

#360 - Daily MG - The Talent War by Mike Serraille - 2 of 6
August 23, 2022

"Based on our research and interviews, we have identified nine core characteristics that mark an individual as having high potential: Drive—the unrelenting need for achievement and constant self-impro

#359 - Daily MG - The Talent War by Mike Serraille - 1 of 6
August 22, 2022

"In business, as in the military, the only competitive advantage you can hope to achieve and maintain is your human capital. Nothing is as important to your company’s success as your people. Not your

#358 - Daily MG - How I Became The Fittest Woman on Earth by Tia Toomey - 6 of 6
August 13, 2022

"I am reminded of my goals at least 20 times a day because I write them on the back of my phone and have little notes around the house to keep me focused and motivated. I don’t just read them, I say t

#357 - Daily MG - How I Became The Fittest Woman on Earth by Tia Toomey - 5 of 6
August 12, 2022

"Committing to a career has always been a really important decision for me because the rest of your life is a very long time." - Tia Toomey
