The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

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#376 - Daily MG - The Culture Code by Daniel Coyle - 6 of 6
September 10, 2022

Avoid Giving Sandwich Feedback: In many organizations, leaders tend to deliver feedback using the traditional sandwich method: You talk about a positive, then address an area that needs improvement, t

#375 - Daily MG - The Culture Code by Daniel Coyle - 5 of 6
September 09, 2022

"Belonging cues are behaviors that create safe connection in groups. They include, among others, proximity, eye contact, energy, mimicry, turn taking, attention, body language, vocal pitch, consistenc

#374 - Daily MG - The Culture Code by Daniel Coyle - 4 of 6
September 08, 2022

"We are solidly connected. Jonathans group succeeds not because its members are smarter but because they are safer. We dont normally think of safety as being so important. We consider safety to be t

#373 - Daily MG - The Culture Code by Daniel Coyle - 3 of 6
September 07, 2022

"Three negative archetypes: the Jerk (an aggressive, defiant deviant), the Slacker (a withholder of effort), and the Downer (a depressive Eeyore type)... When Nick is the Downer, everybody comes into

#372 - Daily MG - The Culture Code by Daniel Coyle - 2 of 6
September 06, 2022

"Culture is a set of living relationships working toward a shared goal. Its not something you are. Its something you do." - Daniel Coyle

#371 - Daily MG - The Culture Code by Daniel Coyle - 1 of 6
September 05, 2022

"A strong culture increases net income 756 percent over eleven years, according to a Harvard study of more than two hundred companies." - Daniel Coyle

#370 - Daily MG - Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell - 6 of 6
September 03, 2022

"He closed by telling us the real battle is won in the mind. Its won by guys who understand their areas of weakness, who sit and think about it, plotting and planning to improve. Attending to the det

#369 - Daily MG - Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell - 5 of 6
September 02, 2022

"The distant words of Reno sung in my ears: 'Someone screws it up, the consequences affect everyone.'" - Marcus Luttrell

#368 - Daily MG - Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell - 4 of 6
September 01, 2022

"When a special forces commander makes even a slight reference to an issue that may be helpful, listen and then do it. Even if it was an aside, not a proper command, maybe even starting with I think i

#367 - Daily MG - Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell - 3 of 6
August 31, 2022

"And perhaps above all, your character is under a microscope at all times; instructors, teachers, senior chiefs, and officers are always watching for the character flaw, the weakness which may one day
