Patricia E Adams Live

Patricia E Adams Live

Abuse OF Men BY Women by Ann Silvers

November 22, 2019

My career and personal life has taught me not only what works in relationships but also what doesn't work - leading me to write the groundbreaking book, "Abuse OF Men BY Women: It Happens, It Hurts, and It's Time to Get Real About It."

My specialties include:

- communication skills
- emotional intelligence
- relationship skills
- anxiety
- all 7 forms of partner abuse (in all partner configurations, especially the abuse of men by women)
- using hypnosis and meditation to support change 
- Integrative Medicine for Mental Health

Abuse OF Men BY Women: It Happens, It Hurts, and It's Time to Get Real About It

It Happens, It Hurts describes:

what intimate partner abuse is,
abusive wife or girlfriend signs,
what it's like for men who are dealing with manipulative women or abusive women,
what it looks like when a wife abuses her husband or a woman abuses her boyfriend,
why abusive women do it,
how we are supporting and encouraging women to abuse men,
how men get pulled into these dysfunctional relationships,
how to deal with an abusive wife or girlfriend,
why men stay with abusive women,
the impact on abused men, and
what can be done about it