Patricia E Adams Live

Patricia E Adams Live

Aaron W Beverly 2019 World Champion of Public Speaking

September 08, 2019

In 2018 I attended a wedding that turned into an unbelievable story.

In 2019 that unbelievable story became a world championship speech and made me the 2019 World Champion of Public Speaking.

None of it would be possible without the unwavering support of hundreds of people who called me a world champion before the announcement was ever made. A champion does not become one by themselves. It takes team. And my team was huge.

From the bottom of my heart I thank everyone who has supported me over the years. I will never take this for granted.

I am eternally thankful. ??

What is Speak and be You?
Everyone has a style when it comes to communication, their own unique voice. At Speak and Be You, our goal is to help you find that voice, enhance it and allow you to you share your message in a way that feels natural to your audience and, more importantly, you.

Founded by international award winning speaker, Aaron Beverly, Speak And Be You is an initiative built around a personal promise. A promise that the words you communicate to others, genuinely reflect the person you are.