The Pasture's Podcast

The Pasture's Podcast

How To Hear God: A Conversation With John Brown, Pt 3

April 25, 2015

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John Brown is my friend. He is also my brother and mentor, but, because mentor misses a certain organic nuance, I prefer to name him as a spiritual father the Lord has given to me. For the past fifteen years, John has willingly and graciously offered to take responsibility for me as a shepherd. I trust him with my life. I also love that he recognizes that I choose to be a biblical Christian and so appeals to my sensibilities in matters of avoiding counter-biblical, cheap imitations and for buttressing my desire for doctrinal integrity.

Earlier in our arrangement of teacher/disciple I recall telling him it would break my preacher heart to bits if I found out he was a false teacher and fraud. A decade and a half later, still no worries. That matter's pretty much been long laid to rest.

And this is why I've shared my friend with you in these podcast episodes. You wouldn't know it from these recordings but John preaches long. I mean, lo-ooo-ng. If you ask me, not long enough; I could listen to revelation flow from his heart for hours on end...and have. I wish we could've done that with our sessions. But I know what I'll do, I'll have him back as my guest - soon, and regularly. Maybe we'll turn this into a tandem...a, um, buddy-show. Yeah, that's the ticket!

In this installment of our mini-series on hearing God, John will again draw another fascinating account from his personal archive. Today's 'yikes!' story will illustrate that God doesn't speak into a vacuum, but will only reveal Himself to vessels willing to not only know His will but also carry it forward by His grace. Even the hard stuff.

He'll also provide some instruction and fatherly guidance for our discerning between the many voices that occupy space in our minds. When is it God, when is it my own self-talk, and when is the enemy disguising himself as a good guy?

Before I pipe down and let you get to the business of listening to our conversation, allow me to leave you with the following amazing resources that will aid you in these matters, and will greatly bolster your faith:

Hearing God ( by Peter Lord

Remarkable Miracles ( by G.C. Bevington

Rees Howells, Intercessor ( by Norman Grubb's John!

(You just gotta click on the player below)