The Pasture's Podcast

The Pasture's Podcast

Sunday Faith In A Friday World

April 06, 2016


It’s post-Easter.
Sunday has already come.
In this new economy, we have the hope of our physical resurrection from this earth and translation to glory – in glorified bodies – to our forever homeland.
Indeed, that is our “Sunday, one day” reality…but we don’t much feel like we’re people of resurrection in today’s culture…and from a slowly-turning calendar.
The calendar tells us it’s (still, ‘somewhat’) Friday for us. 

* Gethsemane ever goads us to Golgotha.
* Waiting with the Lord one hour is our struggle too.
* To forgive our tormentors is our mandate.
* We’re surrounded by our own “bulls of Bashan.”
* A secularized culture taunts our discipleship.
* We’re saddled with a whole earth that “lies in the power of the evil one” (1Jn 5:19)
* Injustice is everywhere.
* Darkness covers our earth.
* The bread of adversity and water of affliction (Isa 30:20) is our communion.

What, then, is our play? 
How do we make it to Sunday?
How do we BE a people of Sunday?
In today’s podcast* (#25), the first of a two-parter I got to preach to my former congregation, we’ll try to navigate through this dilemma with five practical and hopeful revelations from John 19:24-27.
Join me, won’t you?

* I apologize as the quality of the recording is lacking…but the message is so important! Thank you for sticking through!!!