Past Lives, Present Lessons

Past Lives, Present Lessons

Latest Episodes

Morning Coffee with Tanya and Stacy - Dec 16,2009
December 16, 2009

You can now wake up with Tanya and Stacy here on Past Lives, Present Lessons! Grab your morning cup of Joe (AKA coffee) and sit down for a half hour with discussions of interesting topics that occurring around the world. Each day a new topic so tu

Morning Coffee with Tanya and Stacy - Dec 15,2009
December 15, 2009

You can now wake up with Tanya and Stacy here on Past Lives, Present Lessons! Grab your morning cup of Joe (AKA coffee) and sit down for a half hour with discussions of interesting topics that occurring around the world. Each day a new topic so tu

Morning Coffee with Tanya and Stacy - Dec 14,2009
December 14, 2009

You can now wake up with Tanya and Stacy here on Past Lives, Present Lessons! Grab your morning cup of Joe (AKA coffee) and sit down for a half hour with discussions of interesting topics that occurring around the world. Each day a new topic so tu

Morning Coffee with Tanya & Stacy - Dec 11,2009
December 11, 2009

You can now wake up with Tanya and Stacy here on Past Lives, Present Lessons! Grab your morning cup of Joe (AKA coffee) and sit down for a half hour with discussions of interesting topics that occurring around the world. Each day a new topic so tu

Mystery Blue Spirial Light Display - Dec 11,2009
December 11, 2009

"What's blue and white, squiggly and suddenly appears in the sky? If you know the answer, pop it on a postcard and send it to the people of Norway, where this mysterious light display baffled residents yesterday." Read more:

Morning Coffee with Tanya & Stacy - Dec 10,2009
December 10, 2009

You can now wake up with Tanya and Stacy here on Past Lives, Present Lessons! Grab your morning cup of Joe (AKA coffee) and sit down for a half hour with discussions of interesting topics that occurring around the world. Each day a new topic so tu

Akashic Records with LindaHowe - Dec 10,2009
December 09, 2009

This week on Past Lives, Present Lessons we have Linda Howe as the special guest to talk about the Akashic Records. If you have ever wondered what they are, how does it work, and how to access the Akashic Records this is the show you won't want to mis

Gift Of Giving! - Dec 09,2009
December 09, 2009

I want to take a moment to ask each and every one of you to help out a family in need this season by donating an item to some good friends of mine at Sozo’s coffee house.  They are hosting an event to give back to the community during the mo

Morning Coffee with Tanya and Stacy - Dec 09,2009
December 09, 2009

Re-airing of this morning show! You can now wake up with Tanya and Stacy here on Past Lives, Present Lessons! Grab your morning cup of Joe (AKA coffee) and sit down for a half hour with discussions of interesting topics that occurring around the wo

Morning Coffee with Tanya and Stacy - Dec 08,2009
December 08, 2009

You can now wake up with Tanya and Stacy here on Past Lives, Present Lessons! Grab your morning cup of Joe (AKA coffee) and sit down for a half hour with discussions of interesting topics that occurring around the world. Each day a new topic so tu