Partners in Health and Biz

Partners in Health and Biz

The Ultimate Lifestyle for a Healthy Brain - Pt. 2

December 19, 2020

Doctors and scientists have spent a lot of time trying to figure out what causes Alzheimer's and dementia, just as they have trying to figure out what causes any number of other diseases.

Everyone is different,, and even if we feed two different people the exact same things, or give them the exact same stressors their bodies will respond differently. However, there are specific steps you can take to safeguard your brain against the damaging effects of Alzheirmer's disease and dementia.

Join Partners in Health and Biz talk show host Gail Dixon-McBride as we discuss the Ultimate Lifestyle for a Healthy Brain in part 2 of this 7-part series.

Call into the studio with your questions and/or comments:347-945-7433.