Partners in Health and Biz

Partners in Health and Biz

New Research on D.I.Y. Ways to Inactivate the CoronaVirus

October 24, 2020

New research has risen over the last few days as to easy and effective ways to kill the coronavirus before it can sicken or kill us. According to a September study published in the Journal of Medical Virology, certain nasal rinses and mouthwashes may provide additional protection against the virus. 

"Common over‐the‐counter nasal rinses and mouthwashes/gargles were tested for their ability to inactivate high concentrations of HCoV using contact times of 30 s, 1 min, and 2 min. Reductions in titers were measured by using the tissue culture infectious dose 50 (TCID50) assay. A 1% baby shampoo nasal rinse solution inactivated HCoV greater than 99.9% with a 2‐minute contact time. Several over‐the‐counter mouthwash/gargle products including Listerine and Listerine‐like products were highly effective at inactivating infectious virus with greater than 99.9% even, with a 30‐second contact time," as reported in the study.

Join Partners in Health and Biz talk show host Gail Dixon-McBride and learn more about the latest research findings on how to kick the coronavirus in the teeth and avoid a hospital stay and/or the funeral home.

Call into the studio with your questions and/or comments: 347-945-7433.