Partners in Health and Biz

Partners in Health and Biz

Go Out, But Reduce Your Risk of Getting COVID-19

October 10, 2020

Going to the grocery store, going to the movies, going to the beach,etc. Which activities are safer to avoid/prevent getting the CoronaVirus. We don't want to stay locked in our homes all-day, every day, but on the other hand, we must stay safe and know which activities offer the highest risk and potential for contracting COVID-19.

The virus that causes COVID-19 spreads easily. One key way it happens: If you're infected, germs can travel into the noses and mouths of others nearby when you talk, cough, or sneeze. That's more likely to occur if you're within 6 feet of each other. And some infected people spread the disease even if they don't have symptoms. To stay healthy, learn which activities are low, medium, and high risk for catching COVID-19.

Join Partners in Health and Biz talk show host Gail Dixon-McBride as we discuss where we can go and have a low to moderate chance of getting the CoronaVirus.

Call into the studio with your questions and/or comments:347-945-7433.