Partners in Health and Biz

Partners in Health and Biz

September is Healthy Aging Month - Learn How

September 12, 2020

September is Healthy Aging Month, and although some may tell you that age is just a number, your age can be a number that you are proud of.

Has anyone ever told you that you don't look your age? These days, people are living longer and with a vibrant quality of life. It's true...a 60 yr. old person, can look and feel like a 40 year old man or women and be healthyand fit, (on no medication) if they are living to their potential.

Aging can be a beautiful journey if we take the steps to live a healthy lifestyle.

Join Partners in Health and Biz talk show host Gail Dixon-McBride as we share the secrets to healthy aging.

Call into the studio with your questions and/or comments: 347-945-7433. Let's talk!