Part-Time Writers Podcast

Part-Time Writers Podcast

Week 52: We Did It! (or did we......)

January 25, 2017

Well, gang, it's been one heck of a ride. In this special, one-year anniversary show, the boys take some time to discuss and deconstruct their ever-shifting views on indie publishing.  After scouring through a year of podcasts, they chose a handful of clips that highlight ways in which their views have radically changed or stayed the same (or bounced around a million places before landing back to where they started). Truth be told, there were some doubts concerning whether or not they'd even make it a full year as indie authors, but with the help and encouragement from you, dear listeners, they're more excited than ever to pursue their dreams of authorial success. So, you might be wondering, what's next for the Part-Time Writer's Podcast? Season 1 was focused on charting the ups and downs of newbies in this business. They tried and failed and tried again, exploring different avenues toward greatness.  While they had fun and became better authors in the process, they failed to achieve their main goal of making a consistent buck out of it. So for season 2, they're trying something different.  Season 2: The part-time writers have signed a deal with everyone's favorite full-timer Michael Anderle. They are going to co-write a series of books within his Kutherian Gambit world. That series is going to be their main focus for the next 52 weeks (or so), so they've decided to adjust their podcast accordingly.  One of the most impressive things about Michael's writing career is how engaged his fans are. The goal of season 2 of the podcast is to learn from them and from other authors writing in the Kutherian world. What do they like about this series? What do they like about the other spin-offs that Michael has co-authored? What's that thing that keeps them coming back? From where do the authors, artists, and organizers, draw their inspiration? We're still working out the details, and while the show's format may change, you can count on your favorite part-time writer's to share their journey. And who knows, maybe after Season 2, they'll have to change the name of the show.... See you in a few weeks, Chris and Lee Hit them up on Twitter @_cmraymond_ and @lebarbant  Subscribe on iTunesListen Right Here, Right Now Uncle Vinny is still running his deal at Awesome Book Promotion           Use Promocode: PARTTIME