Part-Time Writers Podcast

Part-Time Writers Podcast

Week 48: How to Promote Your Audiobooks with Ben Smith

December 28, 2016

So, you've got an audio book. You did the work to find and hire a reader/producer. They've recorded your words and you are now selling them on audible. But how do you best promote your audio book?  That's the question. This week, Chris sits in the hot seat along with narrator Ben Smith to discuss their new business, Audio Book Access. In his other world of working with non-fiction, Chris has been pretty frustrated with the limited ways an author is able to promote their audiobook and the few services available.  Needing another side hustle, Chris called on his narrator/serial entrepreneur friend, Ben Smith, to create an answer. Soon enough, serial collaborator Justin Sloan joined the conversation and Audiobook Access was born. Lee asks plenty of questions about the service, audio books, what to look for in a narrator, and how to prepare your book for the best possible chance of success. Check out Audiobook Access where authors can apply to be a part of genre promos (FREE while in beta). Post-Apocalyptic is coming soon! Check out the other stuff Ben is up to:Podcasting Education and ServicesElection College PodcastReclamation Brewing A quick note: Since the recording of the show, some of the finer details may have evolved. Check out the website for more information. Want to support the boys? Grab a copy of their much faster-paced (non-molasses) book, The Devil's Due. It's still on new release pricing for $.99 (and on KU). Let us know what you think! Hit them up on Twitter @_cmraymond_ and @lebarbant  Subscribe on iTunesListen Right Here, Right Now Uncle Vinny is still running his deal at Awesome Book Promotion           Use Promocode: PARTTIME