Parents in Biz Podcast

Parents in Biz Podcast

#PIB88 Share your journey: Miranda Gregory

November 22, 2018

Miranda and her husband run GPS Return a recruitment a company specialising in helping parents return to work. Not only do they help parents find their ideal, family-friendly job, but they also have a career mentoring solution which helps parents work out what it is they want to do and work on their mindset and any confidence issues, as well as practical guidance such as CV updates and interview skills. Miranda and her husband have 2 children aged 3 and 5.
In this episode you’ll find out about:

* Details about Miranda’s business that she runs with her husband
* Details about Miranda’s family
* Miranda talks about her entrepreneurial journey
* Miranda talks about fears and challenges she has had during her journey.
* You’ll hear how Miranda and her husband set boundaries for business and family life.
* Miranda talks about who inspires her
* Miranda gives advice to parents who are starting up a business
* Miranda talks about what success looks like for her
* Miranda tells us about her what her future plans look like.

Links mentioned:
GPS Return website 
GPS Return Facebook Page 
GPS Return Facebook Group The Returners’ Tribe
GPS Return Twitter
GPS Return Youtube
Thanks for listening!