Parents in Biz Podcast

Parents in Biz Podcast

#PIB87 Share your journey: Nina Khoo

November 08, 2018

Who’d expect that a daughter having tantrums over seams in her socks would lead to a life-transforming discovery!
This is how Nina Khoo discovered she & her daughter were part of the 15-20% of the population who share the naturally occurring temperament trait of High Sensitivity. Discovering she was Highly Sensitive was like finally finding the right user-manual to her life, & it explained why her daughter was sometimes really bothered by things like scratchy labels & seams in her socks.
Nina is now passionate about raising awareness of the Highly Sensitive Trait. She coaches Highly Sensitive Women to be strong & inspiring role models for their children through her unique program ‘The A, B, C of High Sensitivity’.
In this episode you’ll find out about:
-Details about Nina’s coaching business
-Details about Nina’s family
-Nina talks about her journey in becoming a personal development coach for highly sensitive women.
-Nina talks about fears and challenges she has had during her journey.
-You’ll hear how Nina manages running a business and family life
-Nina talks about who inspires her
-Nina gives advice to parents who are starting up a business
-Nina talks about what success looks like for her
-Nina tells us about her what her future plans look like.
Links mentioned:
Nina’s website 
Nina’s facebook
Nina’s youtube
Parents in Biz Be Inspired
Highly sensitive child book
Crazy sexy health book
Thanks for listening!