Parental Geekery

Parental Geekery

Episode 50 - The Full Half Hour

December 02, 2014

Welcome back to Parental Geekery. Taking our lead from Serial we took a break last week, but we’re back now (and before the next episode of Serial!), and opening straight into an argument about iPads (like you do!).

John talks about his reaction to the New Star Wars trailer. Ruth just thinks it’s great that within 24 hours of it being released someone had recreated it entirely from Lego. And then there’s the George Lucas special edition. We then talk about one of the biggest geekdilemmas that there is – when is it the right time to show our kids the Star Wars movies? And which ones?

Advent has begun, and that means advent calendars, although Ruth was a little mean to the kids and kept them hidden until the last moment. We briefly talk about our experiences with Lego advent calendars.

John took both kids to the school Christmas fair. On his own.

We’ve been battling with kids fears this week. Catherine is getting upset because Mummy and Daddy are out a lot, and David seems to be developing a fear of the dark. One of these is easier to tackle than the other.

Coming up next year Catherine has her first ever School residential – can we cope with her staying away for a night somewhere? And can school cope with her?!

We’ve had some listener feedback on our recommendation for the Serial podcast last week. Neil recommends the Dr Gilmer and Mr Hyde episode of This American Life – thanks for that Neil.

John’s been playing Elite Dangerous which he backed on Kickstarter. It goes Live on 16th December if you want to join in the fun.

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