PaRDeS Universal ReConstitution for World Repair

PaRDeS Universal ReConstitution for World Repair

005_ Catalonia’s, EU’s, & Civilization’s crises, sole exit, is the same

November 19, 2017

005_ Catalonia’s, EU’s, & Civilization’s crises, sole exit, is the same

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I have a calling; a book to deliver, “PaRDeSism ~ Human Science 101”; and a job to perform, PaRDeS Universal ReConstitution for World Repair.

Title: “PaRDeSism ~ Human Science 101”

Subtitle: (PaRDeS primevalism ~ treeseeding our original common-sense on the Bible’s Creation Story 1:1-2:3; World ReConstitution, from Crisis City to PaRaDiSe Earth)

Author: Ricardo Turullols-Bonilla.

Where: At Amazon

Formats: In paperback and digital, in English and Spanish translation.

As we are creative, here and now, the universe reconstitutes.
Iberia and Europe are straight-jacketed to the configuration of Medieval times. Fortunately, after numerous debacles, Europe has only recently partially moved forward with the European Union, EU. (Partly after seeing the success of the US model.) However, it is stuck in first gear and is in dire need of fresh air.

Suddenly comes Catalonia, with its independence bid from Spain, equally caught in the time-tunnel of times long past. But these are just closeup, and middle-take, to the background crisis of civilization, and framing it all is the history of creation of humanity on the face of the Earth.

What’s cute about this lineup of ducks is that their sole crisis exit is the same. The cue is to transition by configuring from nation-states to people-states, and the vehicle is the University. Allow me to now explain it standing on one foot.

But before proceeding, I will include the PaRDeS, primeval common-sense, Universal ReConstitution for World Repair T-diagram upfront, though will not refer to it directly at present. This is taken up more fully in other podcast episodes which may be found in the web platforms, as well as in my webpage with pdf included to follow along.

This could very well prove to be the spring of the New World. The long-awaited ticket that Europe has been yearning for; and the whole wide world, might I add. Secession has been tried before, as recently as say, in Quebec respect to Canada, Scotland with respect to Great Britain, and Great Britain from the EU, with the successful Brexit. Why, then, not Catalonia from Spain?

But, these cases somehow lacked the specificity that universality requires. Perhaps, it’s the fact that the Spanish Constitution disallows it, on top of the love for independence of Catalans. I’m not sure, but whatever it is, it has become a white-hole of creativity that could very well turn the page of history in the III Millennium.

The Old World has reshaped itself of late, though the New World is still in budding. The Old World has gone through Reforms and Revolutions, but it’s still the same Old World. By this I’m including the Americas, Asia, Africa, and the rest, not only Europe. The present-day European nation-states are a product of the aftermath of the dissolution of past empires. Only a reconstitution could transform the Old into the New. What kind of reconstitution? You might be asking. A PaRDeS Universal ReConstitution for World Repair, nothing short of this will do the job.

The European Union has been very actively reinventing itself, almost beyond recognition, were it not that its pieces are still the same, though better bonded than previously. A further integration of Europe can only proceed swiftly, if a further dissolution of the nation-states happens concurrently.

Before the creation of the European Union, such dissolution of nation-states was not advisable,