The Paperless Federalists

The Paperless Federalists

Federalist No. 4: A Zero-Sum Game - TPF 04

April 30, 2017

Contrary to modern economic theory, in Jay’s mind, international markets are a zero-sum game.  There are winners, and there are losers.  Although Jay attempts to focus on economic concerns in No. 4, he just can’t help but return to his foreign policy arguments.  He pays the price as Cary calls him out for rehashing his earlier points.  Cary dives into Jay’s reference to “just causes of war” by explaining Thomas Aquinas’ three factor test.  The focus shifts to foreign trade, debt, and the critical role of America’s codfish industry.  As Cary aptly points out, there were not may W-2s issued at the time.  Who knew the codfish helped to secure our nation?