Paname: The Secret History of Paris

Paname: The Secret History of Paris

20. Richelieu, the salaud?

May 28, 2019

This episode has been inspired by the book ‘Rue des Salauds by Oscar Lambert.’  The premise of his book is that many of the streets of Paris the ‘rue’ have been named after important or famous people thought history even though some of them have rather dubious characters. On his front cover he writes ‘l’histoire leur a donner une rue… et portante’ history gave them a street… and yet’ We might say that they rue day day that they named the rue after them. Since the first entry to the book is non other than our old anti-hero Richelieu I thought it might be a good opportunity to look a little at the man himself, discover if he was indeed a salaud. See for privacy and opt-out information.