The Paid to Play Podcast

The Paid to Play Podcast

Kimi, Golden Lasso Girl: Cosplayer and Game Master – Episode 107

December 07, 2016

Cosplayer and game master Kimi is better known as the Golden Lasso Girl, which ought to tell you that she’s a full on geek. She absolutely loves Wonder Woman, not just as an arse-kicking superhero but as an icon of feminine empowerment. Naturally, Kimi’s enthusiasm for cosplay has led her to attending many conventions in various iterations of a Wonder Woman costume, but also for creating a YouTube channel for which Kimi records tutorials for cosplay and crafting. Kimi’s skill is such that one of her cosplay designs for a “bombshell” version of Big Barda was adopted by DC Comics as Barda’s official outfit in their Bombshells comic!
On to of that, Kimi loves tabletop roleplaying games, so much so that not only has she assumed the role of game master for her friends, she’s also become co-host of the Happy Jack’s RPG Podcast. This show features a crew of gamers getting together to answer listeners’ questions and have an enthusiastic chat about RPGs over a few bevvies. (Yes, that’s alcoholic.)
Kimi and I have a great chat about her interest in metalworking, getting into cosplay by wanting to show the professionals how to make a Wonder Woman costume, being one of the cool teachers at school, the joys and struggles of game mastering, sharing your hobby loves in podcasts and how-to videos and the wisdom of deciding not to monetise your passions.

Thanks again to my guest for episode 86, Lauren of Castle Corsetry, for getting me in touch with Kimi!

Kimi, Golden Lasso Girl
Official Golden Lasso Girl Website
Golden Lasso Girl on YouTube
Happy Jack’s RPG Podcast (Pursuing the RPG hobby with reckless abandon. And beer.)

* Empire’s Twilight Actual Play (Star Wars: Edge of the Empire)
* Mote of Sin Actual Play (Vampire: The Masquerade)
* Vast Dominions Actual Play (Stu Venable’s Moment of Truth system)

Cosplay, Costuming, Renaissance Faires, Conventions and Bands
The Belles of Bedlam (band)
Castle Corsetry (Lauren Matesic) (my chat with Lauren for Episode 86)

* Avengers Angels (San Diego Comic Con 2015), feat. Kimi as the Incredible Hulk and ep. 89 guest Bernadette Bentley as Hawkeye

The Merry Wives of Windsor (band)

* The Southern California Reniassance Pleasure Faire

San Diego Comic Con

* WonderCon

Stan Lee’s LA Comic Con (formerly Comikaze)
Fan Movie Projects
Metroid: The Sky Calls (fan short film by Rainfall Films)
Wonder Woman (fan short film by Rainfall Films)
Big Barda
Wonder Woman