The Over Indulgence Podcast

The Over Indulgence Podcast

The Over Indulgence Podcast Episode 019 – The De-Deadening

March 10, 2015

Time flies when you're having fun doesn't it? So we're not dead, we're still around and talking bollocks for people to listen to. The whole crew is here for Episode 19 which doesn't really have a focal point, it was just good to get everyone together and talk considering the lives we all lead. This episode is called The De-Deadening, purely to advise that we're alive. Griff and Korthal have started a little side project called Loading Savestate in which they're posting content on everything Indie Gaming. All of the information for Loading Savestate and social media outlets can be found on their site.
Remember to check out and sign up to the Dollar Shave Club service, remember we have a promotional code (SHAVEMYBACK) that will get you your third month free! It's an awesome service and my face thanks me for doing it. Also if you like what you hear please make sure to head over to our Stitcher channel and subscribe! Or hit up our iTunes subscription too. Every little bit counts!
Now, we don't have a link dump as of yet, due to time constraints and people working. Keep an eye on space, or make us one and send @TheOICrew a tweet based off what you've got.