The Over Indulgence Podcast

The Over Indulgence Podcast

Over Indulgence Podcast – PAX Aus Day 2 Wrap Up

November 02, 2014

Day 2 of PAX Australia was insane... We apologise on the delay on getting this up, but there were technical issues with the Internet Connection at the end of Day 2! We spent as much time as possible heading to as many booths to chat with everyone! We wanted to see and hear as many stories as possible, no matter how small or how big! SkeelsyShoota from the QuadFeed Podcast along with his co-hosts Ben and Castro we're handed the reigns for this wrap up cast as Scarecrow was off gallivanting about the town (i.e. rubbing shoulders with people at the Star Citizen event).
The day started off early again, we wanted to get in as quickly as possible to check out whatever we could. Whilst Ben wasn't even at the Event he definitely had some words to say about what he saw as our roving reporter out on the streets of Melbourne as we Alpha/Beta Tested PAX Aus for his triumphant entrance on Day 3. Griff goes on to tell us about how we lined up to play some Super Smash Bros. Wii in the Nintendo Booth, Castro and Griff teamed up against Korthal in #IDARB again where Korthal (once again) destroyed them. We went to check out Screen Cheat which is an epic little game that we're all pretty excited to get together with some drinks to play.
Skeelsy went to check out the 'For the Love of Gaming' Panel and then we all discussed the rest of what we checked out, including our lunch trip in which we were super looking forward to a Reuben where they were sold out. There was discussion on the queues throughout the event and some of the bigger titles being shown, not that any of us bothered lining up to play. Not to mention the continued mention or 'What an Asshole' at any chance we got and the discussion of #Melbourne and its little quirks.
So make sure you jump in and have a listen to our 30 minute wrap up of Day 2 of PAX Australia! Apologies for the delay, keep an eye out for our Day 3 Wrap up due tomorrow morning as well as our Interviews with multiple different people from PAX!