The Over Indulgence Podcast

The Over Indulgence Podcast

The Over Indulgence Podcast Episode 017 – Social Justice Commission

September 30, 2014

We're back! Long hiatus with good reason. Scarecrow with finding a new house, and the rest being lazy lazy motherfuckers. But we're here again so you can stop worrying! We have (surprisingly) been busy in the time we've been absent between casts, we've managed to get some new recording equipment which we hope shows in this episode, we've organised going to PAX Australia this year (30 days!!!) and hope to see everyone there. We'll be wearing our special sexy Over Indulgence Shirts. So without further ado, please have a listen to this horrible episode and learn about the Social Justice Commission, the greatest guys on the block!
With so much time between episodes we had a lot to catch up on, there was music talk, talk (of course) about Destiny and the Clan [Social Justice Commission], a lot of discussion on Diablo 3. Much bitching about Apple and the stupidity that was forced receipt of the U2 Songs of Innocence Album and of course the continued chats on the ALS Ice Bucket Challenges and the different famous people. We of course couldn't finish without talking about Kanye West and his antics whilst in Australia.
Remember to check out and sign up to the Dollar Shave Club service, remember we have a promotional code (SHAVEMYBACK) that will get you your third month free! It's an awesome service and my face thanks me for doing it. Also if you like what you hear please make sure to head over to our Stitcher channel and subscribe! Or hit up our iTunes subscription too. Every little bit counts!
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