

OVARYaction v. Early Childhood Education

March 31, 2021

This week on OVARYaction Kira and Alexandria are joined by a podcrasher, Laura, to discuss Early Childhood Education. Join in to learn all about inquiry-based learning, Common Core, goals for early childhood education,  and maybe a thing or two about microwave safety.As always, let us know if you have any topic suggestions we can research and get opinionated on. Be sure to follow us on Instagram @OvaryActionPodcast. That's O V A R Y ACTION podcast. You can comment or dm us there for topic suggestions. You can like our Facebook  @OvaryActionPodcastIf you like what you heard, subscribe to us wherever you're listening to podcasts right now to get notified whenever we post. Also, be sure to leave us a five star review and tell your friends so we can empower more women to be opinionated on these topics. Thanks so much for listening. We'll see you next week.