Outsourcing and Offshoring Philippines

Outsourcing and Offshoring Philippines

Marketing and Outsourcing Talk with TalentView & SimpleAds Company

April 25, 2018

It's the 24th episode of the Outsourcing and Offshoring - Philippines Podcast!

Our guests for this episode are:
Anj Vera of TalentView
Aries Aguilar of SimpleAds Company

Anj Vera is the CEO of TalentView. Her passion for improving the state of Human Resources in the ASEAN region has lead her into becoming the CEO of TalentView in which they help companies of different sectors and sizes improve their talent attraction, engagement and development. You can listen to Anj and our talk at the (1:45) of the podcast.

The President of SimpleAds Company, Aries Aguilar, joins the show to discuss their specialty in branding and digital marketing and how they help businesses from all over the world stand out with satisfactory, time efficient and cost effective internet marketing solutions. Our talk with Aries starts at the (21:02) mark of the podcast.

With the Offshoring and Outsourcing - Philippines Podcast, you learn about the BPO companies and it's in's and out's here in the Philippines. What they offer, who they are and what they do. Subscribe to our podcast for more updates and make sure to check out our website, www.offshoring.com.ph.

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