OutsourceTime.com Podcast - Grow Your Business More Efficiently By Outsourcing to Virtual Assistants

OutsourceTime.com Podcast - Grow Your Business More Efficiently By Outsourcing to Virtual Assistants

OT004: Disadvantages of Outsourcing and Virtual Assistants

April 11, 2014

In the previous podcast, we discussed the advantages of outsourcing. So today, the topic is the flipside to that - the disadvantage of outsourcing.

The main thing to remember though is that, a lot of the disadvantages don't have to really be an issue if you think carefully about things.

On this episode, the following disadvantages of outsourcing are discussed:

Timezones - Doesn't have to be an issue you have things planned and prepared in advance. Sometimes though, simply asking your team to work in your timezone will be answered with a "no problem!". Outsourcing doesn't have to mean offshore though, so you could hire someone in your timezone.
Bad Publicity - We've all heard horror stories of companies getting a bad reputation when they've outsourced call centres to countries where English isn't a first language. Make sure all staff have an excellent level of English skills if they are facing customers. Regularly review and monitor all feedback.
Problems with quality - If you've chosen your team carefully and not just gone for the cheapest option, then quality will naturally be a whole lot better. Lack of quality can happen locally, NOT just offshore.
Lack of customer focus - Great customer care and everything a potential client see's needs to show dedication and focus on them from everyone in your business. Create a company culture guide.

A great general rule of thumb to prevent the potential disadvantages of outsourcing becoming big issues, is to treat your team with respect. Guide them, mentor them and be a great boss. It's no different to being a normal manager in an office.

If you're cool, they will go out of their way to please you. If you're not cool and not helpful, or rude, then you will get attitude problems, which is where things begin to escalate.

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