Outsiders Podcast

Outsiders Podcast

What Christians Need to Hear about Identity, Sexuality, and Caitlyn Jenner

June 27, 2015

Why A Podcast About Caitlyn Jenner?
When the story about Caitlyn Jenner broke, we knew we had to address the issue on our show for a couple of reasons.  First, it's our belief that Christians should have the most compassionate and caring voice - for all people - no matter their sexuality or their gender.  People in the LGBTQ community are God's children as much as anyone else and they deserve the compassion of anyone who follows Jesus.  Sadly, the vision of God's people indiscriminately loving others doesn't happen as much as it should.

On the other hand, as Christians, it's easy to feel like certain cultural movements are gaining so much momentum that to speak with any sort of uncertainty or dissent around these issues could put you at risk of being called names, including "intolerant".  Let's face it - we live at a time when advocacy is more influential than reason. The person with the most extreme voice garners the most attention. Addressing these issues in a way that is insightful and gentle, all the while promoting a worldview that reflects the image of God, is not easy.

As our first repeat guest, Jayson D. Bradley (http://www.jaysondbradley.com) offers a balanced approach to these issues that is extremely rare in the media marketplace.  Instead of turning this topic into a moralistic debate, Jayson persistently asks us to reflect on ourselves and why someone else's sexual identity has become so important to us.
Show Notes:
2:38 - Jayson explains a couple of his recent tweets about being bombarded with opinions from every direction.
5:15 - How should Christians respond to the Caitlyn Jenner story?  Should the church voice an opinion on this issue?
6:32 - Are religious voices being silenced because stories like this are being so heavily promoted?  Are all voices given equal value in the equal rights movement?
8:15 - What is the truth about Caitlyn Jenner?  Is this a case of someone who, because of the shift in morality, can finally express their identity/sexuality for the first time?  Or, is this a case of someone who is terribly confused and by “accepting†them, we are really just ignoring the deep issues at hand?  What is best for her?
12:03 - What is the dynamic and balance between tolerance and acceptance? 
14:50 - How do we restore dialogue in our churches and culture?  Haven’t we lost the ability to communicate as people with respect?
16:17 - Why do we think that the world has to have our opinion?  Are we to be cultural police?  Is someone's sexuality my business?  Brad expounds his current views.
19:38 - Jayson talks about the assumptions Christians make in the name of love, that are not loving.
21:15 How do we love someone like Caitlyn Jenner if our first inclination is to criticize them?  How do we approach this issue with humility rather than authority?
22:27 - How to treat people like Caitlin Jenner well and why we are failing at Spiritual Formation.
25:50 - If spiritual formation is the point of going to church, and it’s not happening, why would anyone go to church?
28:11 - What’s wrong with the current definition of Spiritual formation?  Does it just mean that we follow the rules?
29:35 - Is going to church part of Spiritual formation?
32:04 - What would a spiritual formation curriculum look like?  Should churches have such a curriculum?  Could we hold people accountable for the lack of growth in the church?
35:10 - What keeps us from moving from mastering doctrine to natural action?
37:35 - If someone were to attend an atheist church, would you be able to tell the difference between them and someone who attends a christian church for 20 years?
41:31 - What are some things a Christian could look for in a church that focuses on Spiritual formation?
42:20 - Brad proves that even his quiet time is funny.
45:30 - Jayson advises how to grow spiritually outside the walls of the church.